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IAC launches new Medical and Development Assessment Form

Following research undertaken in 2015/2016 by Dr Mary Mather and Dr Natalia Bell, Medical Advisors to IAC, on the quality of adoption medical reports submitted to IAC by agencies overseas, a new and comprehensive Medical and Developmental Assessment form for use by families adopting children from overseas has now been developed. The new form is available without charge to all prospective adopters working with IAC from the assessment and post approval teams, and to Local Authority who subscribe to IAC through the Subscriber Gateway. The form comes in two formats – a PDF which can be printed and filled in by hand, and a downloadable form which can be completed on screen. Local Authorities who do not subscribe to IAC services may purchase the form at a cost of £50.

Young Person's Guide to Adoption Support

Earlier this year IAC published a Young Person's Guide to Adoption Support, aimed at the 10 plus age group who have been adopted, either domestically or through an intercountry adoption route. Its a small booklet that answers some of the questions that teenagers might ask as they grow up and also gives them information about who they can talk to if they have other questions beyond those that a parent or parents can answer. Ideally it is helpful if a parent and young person look at the guide together. This is a companion piece to the Children's Guide to Adoption Support for younger readers so if you have a child who is 10 plus please click on READ MORE to download a copy.

Important Notice for Intercountry Adopters and Adult Intercountry Adoptees

Her Majesty’s Passport Office and the wider Home Office since February 2015 has taken a firmer line in its implementation of regulations on a single name for all official purposes. This means that they require the person named in the passport application to have conformity of name in other official documents prior to a British Passport being issued or renewed. This has particular relevance to children adopted from overseas, many of whom will hold documentation in one name by which they are legally known in their country of origin and an adoptive name in the UK which differs to this in whole or in part. HM Passport Office may refuse to issue, or to renew a British passport for a child adopted from overseas when the name does not align between the foreign and UK passport.


Children's Guide to Adoption Support

IAC has reprinted and updated our Children's Guide to Adoption Support. This is a colourful little booklet which adoptive parents can look at with their children to help families think about adoption and some of the questions that children might have about being adopted as they grow up. It also lists places that families and children can go to ask for help or advice.

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